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Zefon Micro-Vac cassettes are designed for the collection of fibers and particulate from carpets and other dusty areas. They are specially designed with an inlet port angled at 45 degrees and come preloaded with .45µ filters.One significant facet of many Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) microbial investigations is the assessment of the carpeting and dust in an occupied building. Carpet is listed as one of the nine potential sources of biological agents in an occupied space (Bioaerosols Assessment and Control, ACGIH 1999). IAQ complications may arise with poor carpet maintenance and accidental water incursions. Poor maintenance leads to an accumulation of microbial contaminants while water damage incidents provide the microbial organisms with moisture and the nutritional substrate to proliferate to problematic levels.Available as single cassettes, or as part of a kit that includes a 10cm x 10cm paper sampling template, sample ID labels, and zip style bags.Z045CC-KIT includes:(10) Z045CC cassettes, (10) 10cm x 10cm sampling templates and 10 zip style sample bags.7345PCCC-KIT includes:(10) 7345PCCC cassettes, (10) 10cm x 10cm sampling templates and 10 zip style sample bags.