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Zefon high volume rotary vane pumps are an economical alternative to the Gast brand rotary vane pumps. The workhorses are heavy duty with a 1/10 hp motor that can be used for almost all sampling applications. It can be used with PCM, TEM, Air-O-Cell and all viable impactors (e.g. Andersen style impactor). Flow range of 0 to 30LPM. Available in one or two-pump kits. New - Now with internal filter/muffler. No more glass muffler jars! Flow Rates:PCM Cassette - 3-15 LPMTEM Cassette - 3-10 LPMAir-O-Cell - 15 LPMViable Impactor - 28.3 LPMSelect the item below for your sampling needs: